Business Offerings

Threat of CyberattackOnline threat levels race higher each day. Around the globe, information and networks are under attack from forces that are more sophisticated, more organized, more dangerous, and better supported than ever before. While the usual hackers and criminals remain persistent challenges, the new threats now come from state-sponsored military and intelligence organizations, terrorists groups, and international crime organizations.

Required: A Higher Level of Defense

Addressing the new cyber threats demands unprecedented network monitoring, awareness, and readiness across governmental and commercial enterprises. Most organizations know that the problem is serious, but often the depth and full impact or implications for the future remain hidden. No security solution offers complete prevention; today’s sophisticated attacks can break through the most widely used safeguards. However, proactive measures can be taken to detect and act in time to reduce risk and maintain service. Cyberspace has become a world of espionage, for either profit or political gain and everyone is a target – from government to industry and financial systems to critical infrastructure such as utilities, hospitals, and airports.

information assurance network defense and forensics talent
Information Assurance Network Defense & Forensics Cyber-Talent
Security Assessment Security as a Service (V2.0) Security Staff Augmentation
Security Planning Security Operations Center (SOC) Network Staff Augmentation
Security Standards Network Operations Center (NOC) Talent Development
Product Evaluation Security System Operations
Security Design and Implementation
Security Accreditation
Security System Operations