Our Roots are Deep…Our Commitment Strong

The mission of our company is to serve the cyber security needs of our global customers. The work that we do requires that our customers trust us in every dimension.

• We are committed to bring ethics and integrity to everything that we do.
• We deliver quality products and services that result in extraordinary customer satisfaction.
• And, we operate with a precision that exceeds our customers’ expectations while creating lasting value.

The reason that these three things are so closely linked is that “Our Commitment Strong” is not just something that we are striving for today; we are committed to delivering extraordinary customer satisfaction and value over the long term.

We differentiate ourselves from our competition in two ways. The first is our ability to offer affordable, innovative solutions in the area of global cyber security, that our customers want and need the most. They are represented in three categories; Information Assurance, Network Defense & Forensics, and Cyber-Talent.

Information Assurance Network Defense & Forensics Cyber-Talent
Assessments Managed Security Services Staffing Augmentation
Forensics Consulting Services Security Training
Products Forensics

Our second is our commitment to stand on the roots of our founding beliefs, delivering our customers, shareholders, and employees more than they expect, in a consistent, reliable, and valued manner.

Our challenges, as we face the future, are sustaining an extraordinary level of precision, while providing our customers with creative and innovation solutions, through an inclusive culture where our employees can bring everything that they are, and everything that they want to be to deliver high levels of performance.