Our Vision, Values and Behaviors

“For individuals, character is destiny. For organizations, culture is destiny.” – Tony Hsieh


We exist to provide information assurance services and improve information technology services worldwide. To succeed we embody these values.

We will:

  • Conduct ourselves with integrity and live our Company Values
  • Deliver superior program performance
  • Foster an internal environment of innovation, collaboration, and trust

In so doing, Veteran Business Solutions will become our customers’ partner of choice, our industry’s employer of choice, and our shareholders’ investment of choice.

Servant Based

“Only a life lived in the service to others is worth living.” – Albert Einstein

We treat others as we want to be treated. We strive to create a win-win solution in all relationships. We act with integrity and consistently do what is right.

Customer Focused

“If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is.” – Jan Carlzon, ex-CEO SAP Group

We exist to ensure the success of our customers. We will reach our goals when our customers reach their goals. We generate trust and confidence in every business transaction with every customer.

Value Added

“We get paid for bringing value to the market place.” - Jim Rohn

We deliver more than we promise. We seek to ensure the current and future success of our customers and partners. We deliver extraordinary results that exceed expectations.

Employee Centric

“It is the employees who determine a company’s success or failure.” - Dr. Tony Baron

We are open and honest. We believe we succeed in all things by the quality and efforts of our employees and partners. We care deeply for the well-being and personal success of our team members.


“Trust opens up new and unimagined possibilities.” – Robert C. Solomon

We practice open collaboration, cooperation and communications. Our trust enables our teams to utilize their initiative, flexibility and agility. We focus on close interaction and partnerships that produce world-class solutions to complex problems.

Our Five Key Behaviors

1. Live the Company Values
Integrity must characterize everything we do. We want everyone, (customers, vendors, shareholders, and employees) who comes in contact with us to know that we live our values

2. Focus on Operating Excellence
Veteran Business Solutions is very well positioned strategically. We must focus on customers, people, and performance to deliver on the full operating and financial potential of our company.

3. Act With Speed
Veteran Business Solutions is being built to function as a much larger company that it is today. With this increased size comes the challenge of operating in a timely fashion. We must be agile enough to act faster than our competitors.

4. Communicate Openly
We want good news to travel fast and bad news to travel even faster. We need to be mindful of the importance of honestly communicating problems as well as breakthroughs. The sooner we communicate a problem, the easier it is for us to marshal our company’s resources to solve it.

5. Collaborate Across the Company
Veteran Business Solutions’s power comes from the talented people who make up our company. By cooperating and sharing our knowledge with each other seamlessly across organizations, we can make our company even stronger.