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CNBC News: Hacking America

What is ISO 27001?
In this presentation learn the meaning and purpose of ISO 27001 framework

CIO Network: Cybercrime Threatens Physical Systems
At the CIO Network on January 15, 2013 in San Diego, CA, Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff discusses the various types of cyber crimes that threaten U.S. companies as well as our energy grid and various utilities.

Cyber Threat is Top Concern for New NATO Commander

Defence Company, Steelmaker Victims of Chinese Hackers
A report by German news magazine Der Spiegal says the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS) and steelmaking giant ThyssenKrupp have recently been victims of major hacking attacks originating from China.

McConnell Says Cyber Threats on Financials Rising
Mike McConnell, vice chairman of Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., talks about cyber security threats facing the financial industry. McConnell speaks with Sara Eisen and Scarlet Fu on Bloomberg Television’s “Surveillance.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Reid: The Time to Address Cyber Threats is Now
Nevada Senator Harry Reid, speaking from the Senate floor, stresses why the Senate must consider cybersecurity legislation as soon as possible.

Emerging Cyber Threats for 2012 Identified
Leaders from the Georgia Institute of Technology, GTRI, GTISC and the corporate community gathered on campus for the annual Georgia Tech Cyber Security Summit on October 11. As part of the event, the Institute’s 2012 Emerging Cyber Threats Report was released. The year ahead will feature new and increasingly sophisticated means to capture and exploit user data, as well as escalating battles over the control of online information that threatens to compromise content and erode public trust and privacy.